Distributing the film to festivals and community groups like synagogues, JCC’s, churches and bereavement groups takes time and money. Research is needed to find these groups and connect with them.
You can help by making a tax-deductible donation today. All donations go through our non-profit fiscal sponsor, Center for Independent Documentary, and are 100% tax deductible.
If you prefer, you can make a check out to Center for Independent Documentary and write “A Father’s Kaddish” in the memo section and mail to:
Center for Independent Documentary
PO Box 95216
Newton, MA 02495
Thank you!
Steven & Ellen Branfman
Joseph Coote
Thayer Academy
Joseph Chazan Revocable Trust
Wendy Fain
Michael and Linda Frieze
The Goverman Family
Dave and Jeanne Mason
Patricia Hebert
Dan and Cindy Levinson
Rabbi Carl M. Perkins
Judith and Joseph Dafflitti
Michael F. Bigham
Karen and Michael Weissel
Pam and Howard Teibel
Bill and Denise Richard
Craig Sorensen and Michael White
Arleen Kulin
Temple Beth Avodah, Newton, MA
The Jurgens Family
Dr. Gary S. Branfman & family
Larry and Rachel Chafetz
Elizabeth and Mark Borris
Tom Brown and Chagit Steiner
Fred and Tamara Ledley
Carol and Mark Oberle
Chris and Gail Doktor
George and Susan Gorman
Chuck and Joanne Walkovich
Pierluigi Balduzzi
The Busnach Family
Kaj Wilson and Alan Spatrick
Charles Goetz
Craig Luhrmann
Sako Sorenson Fund
The Feldberg Family
Laurie Gould
Mark and Gail Feigenbaum
Jonathan and Stephanie Warburg
Robin and Jonathan Baer
Liz Carver and Bryn Austin
Amy O'Brien-Bird
Kathy Griffin
Larrat Williams
Amy and Paul Knapp
Sharon Gorberg and John Holohan
Cheryl and Jeff Sacks
Sandy and Elliott Heiman
Mark Farber and Sherry Katz
Franklin and Bonnie Gold
Steve Bader and Cathy Monxelos
Jay and Bettina Binkowitz
Rob and Ricky Greenly
Temple B'nai Israel, Victoria, TX
The Loeb Family
Melvin and Janey Lack
John (Yaakov) and Amy Guterson
David Frolich
David and Karen Cantor
Jordan Appel
Sharon Seltzer and Ron Gilboa
Don Chase
Meryl Epstein and Trish Nuzzola
Sara Rubin
Frank and Paula Aronson
Doris and Stanley Pollack
George and Amy Pollack-Howard
Helen Ronan and Les Nelken
C R Friedman
Lissy Medvedow and Cliff Cohen
Marc and Margie Gundersheim
Bruce and Joan Cohen
Alan Nathan
Idit Klein and Jordan Namerow
Jon Modelevsky
Ruth Abend
Michael Clayman
The Wilson Family
The Simes Family
Steven and Bonnie Mitchell
Bernie and Sue Pucker
Douglas Hanna and Carole Simone
Allison and Ezra Hausman
Laila Goodman and Barry Moir
Lynda Fink and Maury Lederman
Susan Silberberg
Judy and Josh Elkin
Marion and Bob Ross
Lisa Wesel
Denise Heitmann
Barbara Kaplan
Judy and Chayim Herzig-Marx
Basil and Irma Margolis
Sheree Galpert
Annette Jacobs
Jonathan and Jane Migdol
Anne, Adam, Serena & Meyer Branfman
Gayle and Jerry Klusky
Lisa and Barry Fireman
Mark Slitt
Linette Liebling
Frances Malino
Richard and Diana Fisher Gomberg
Elaine Landes and David Felson
Seana Kelley
Julaine McInnis
Nicole and Josh Gann
Lyle Micheli
Sara and Steve Brown
Linda Gelda
Rick and Jodi Mines
Harvey Mamon
Gayla Bradford Campbell
Michael Corpuel and Randy Blume
David Begelfer and Bette Libby
Alan Branfman and Gloria Kriss
Deborah Kaplan
Jacqueline Somma and Patty Tully
Wendy Stocker
Thank you for your support!
Neil Goldberg
Judy Pollack
Mary Jane and Alan Snyder
Tina Rose
Deborah Siegel
Frank Aronson
Ora Gladstone and Mitchell Silver
Joshua Cline
John Sava
Erik Owens
Lisa Schneier
Celia Donatio
Sumner Saitz
Kathleen Cunningham
Stephen Savage
D Jarrett Collins
Amy Geller
Alice Bouvrie
Paul and Catherine McCarron
Paul Paganelli
Kathleen Graham
Rachel Barenbaum and Adam Kleinbaum
Cindy Marshall and Kathy Pillsbury
Janet Lassaw
Jordan Davis
Sonia Formanek
Jeryl Crema
Tessa Goldsmith
Martin Seltzer
Kerstin Lynam
Melissa Potter
Lynn Aleman
Constance Baugh
Jonathan Kaplan
Michael Kerner
David Wolok
Julie Wolkoff
Jay Cashook and Alisa Shapiro
Lisa Kantor
Joyce Branfman
Abby Cohen and Stuart Snyder
Sara and Ben Dash
Dianne Lior
Marc Steinberg and Linda Hsu
Sandra Levenshus
Daniel Jackson
Andrew Iventosch
Alynn Lodge
Mo Pittle
Jeffrey Wallen
Adam Wittenstein
Dave Lafreniere
Philip Matthews
Cindy Shulak-Rome
Barbara Steiner
Louise Enoch
Miriam Bronstein
Diane Benner
Gavriel Elkind
Patricia Sherman
Jack and Judy Luskin
Susan Cline
Jean Sharry
Patricia M. Claflin
Hilary and Marc Hershman
Laya Steinberg
Laura and Guy Shechter